Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Undaunted Bravehearts

All of us have some good and bad experiences in life. This piece of writing is dedicated to one such incident. 

I want you to take me to the beach
Walk with me hand in hand
Look into my eyes 
Come closer to me so that I can feel your breath
Put your hands on my waist and look at me 
The emotions I can feel is beyond all happiness 
Nothing can match the warmth of true love
The tears are pouring down my eyes
Coz I have waited for this day for so long
Don’t wipe them off, let them come out
And why are your eyes so moist 
I know how deeply you feel for me 
We don’t need words to express our feeling 

I consider myself lucky
for I have you
Who can bear my mood swings
Cater to my tantrums
Understand my emotions 
Laugh on my stupid jokes 
Make silent sacrifices 
And always treat me so special