Friday, July 22, 2016

What is the best attitude one should maintain to crack civils upsc?

The most important thing is never to underestimate your self and your capabilities . This exam is not an aptitude based exam like IIT or IIM,  but it needs a mix of many things like aptitude, hardwork, persistence, ability to think and ability to express.  There is no one who has all these abilities but yes everyone of us  have some of these abilities. All we need is to identify our capabilities and hone them, and simultaneously  improve ourselves in other spheres too. Most importantly believe that you are equally capable to crack this examination.
Most of the people who crack this exam have average academics, what differentiate them is their attitude for this examination. Attitude is something you can't develop by thinking that oh now I will be positive, Oh I am the best and blah blah.
You need a motive to crack this exam is the very first requirement.
Apart from motive you need to be mentally prepared to pay the price to achieve your goal This price is time, failures, frustation, tension and constant fear. Every candidate goes through it and 99% breakdown here. People who sustain it only emerge as the champions. So more than intelligence, it is your patience and persistence that leads you to success.
A right attitude should not just make you strong enough to face hurdles, but a right candidate is one who keep introspecting and making himself better. This is very important. If we perform well, we need to figure out ways to become better, and if we fail we need to look where are we missing.
A very important factor is motivation and appreciation. Attitude will wither away in their absence. So avoiding people who are pessimistic. Being in company of positive people and people who motivate you is very importnant. Also performing well in test  help in providing constant motivation. All this helps a lot.
Most Impotantly this is not an exam but a process to make ourselves better, when we prepare with this attitude, there is aways scope to learn even after subsequent attempt and failures.

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